Grass Seed

As one of the largest retailers of grass seed in the country we have gained an enviable reputation for providing quality seed mixes for all applications.

Drawing from several leading seed houses custom grass seed mixes can be produced to suit all customer requirements.

Extensive range of grass seed


TMG9 Golf & Bowling greens 25% Calliope chewings fescue, 25% Darwin chewings fescue, 25% Barpearl slender creeping red fescue, 25% Reggae slender creeping red fescue 10 – 35 gms/m2 Total fescue mix ideal for overseeding bowling greens and golf greens. Contains the top rated calliope and Barpearl. Good for overseeding throughout the growing

TMG10 Golf & Bowling greens 45% Calliope chewings fescue, 40% Darwin chewings fescue, 7.5% Denso browntop bent, 7.5% Highland browntop bent 10 – 35 gms/m2 A top quality traditional mix for greens with the top rated Calliope
chewings fescue

TMG11 Golf & Bowling greens 40% Barpearl slender creeping red fescue, 40% Calliope chewings fescue, 10% Denso browntop bent, 10% Manor browntop bent 10 – 35 gms/m2 A high performance mix for greens including Manor and Denso which gives
increased shoot density & wear tolerance. This mix produces good all year
round colour & disease resistance

TMG11A Golf & Bowling greens 50% Lance browntop bent, 50% Manor browntop bent 5 – 8 gms/m2 This top performing 100% browntop bent mix gives excellent wear tolerance & good all year round colour

TMG12New Tees, fairways &cricket outfields 45% Chopin Strong Creeping red fescue, 15% Barpearl Slender Creeping red fescue, 15% Libano Slender Creeping red fescue Chewings fescue, 25% Bargreen chewings fescue 15 – 35 gms/m2 A non rye mix which include top performing varieties which will provide good recovery from wear through the use of rhizomatous grasses. Ideal for Tees, fairways, divot mixes & cricket outfields

TMG13 Tees, fairways,driving ranges &cricket outfields 30% Bareine Amenity perennial ryegrass, 15% Bareuro Amenity perennial ryegrass, 15% Bartwingo Amenity perennial ryegrass, 20% Chopin Strong Creeping red fescue, 10% Barcrown Slender Creeping red fescue, 10% Bargreen Chewings fescue 10 – 35 gms/m2 A mix which includes 3 different amenity perennial rye grasses for better wear on Tees, Golf Fairways, Driving Ranges, Divot mixes & Cricket outfields. Can be used 10-12 months of the year

TMG16 Landscaping 80% Maxima Strong Creeping red fescue, 15% Legend Slender Creeping red fescue, 5% Highland browntop bent 25 – 35 gms/m2 A low cost non rye landscape mix

TMG17 Low maintenanceareas & golf courserough 25% Maxima Strong Creeping red fescue, 25% Samanta Slender Creeping red fescue, 25% Triana Hard fescue, 20% Legend Chewings fescue, 5% Highland Browntop bent 25 – 35 gms/m2 A blended mix for shaded or low fertility areas which require
low maintenance. Can be used for golf course rough

TMG18 Landscape 60% Esquire Amenity perennial ryegrass, 40% Maxima Strong Creeping red fescue 25 – 35 gms/m2 A fast established mix for landscaping areas

TMG20 Sports pitches 50% Verdi Amenity perennial ryegrass, 30% Hugo Amenity perennial ryegrass, 20% Jade perennial ryegrass 25 – 35 gms/m2 A very good 100% amenity rye mix which is fast to establish. Gives excellent ground covering & a quality wear
resistant sward for all winter sports pitches

TMG21 Sports pitches 20% Jade Amenity perennial ryegrass, 20% Verdi Amenity perennial ryegrass, 20% Stravinsky Amenity perennial ryegrass, 20% Herald Strong creeping red fescue, 15% Darwin Chewings fescue, 5% Highland Browntop bent 25 – 35 gms/m2 A versatile mix which will produce a hard wearing dense sward
for all sports outfields in both summer and winter. Includes three different amenity rye grasses for optimum all year round wear and recovery no matter the sport

TMG26New Quality lawns &bowling greens 45% Ritmo Amenity perennial ryegrass, 25% Sauvignon Amenity perennial ryegrass, 25% Darwin Chewings fescue, 5% Lance Royal browntop bent 25 – 35 gms/m2 A traditional cricket mix which includes four very highly rated grasses. Can also be used on golf greens, bowling greens and quality lawns. Gives good root structure, compact
fine leaves & a high tolerance to close mowing

TMG26A Cricket squares
& tennis courts
30% Sauvignon Amenity perennial ryegrass, 30% Conrad Amenity perennial ryegrass, 40% Jessica Amenity perennial ryegrass 25 – 35 gms/m2 This mix includes top rated varieties Conrad & Jessica which along with Sauvignon gives a dense compact sward. This mix gives fast establishment, good rooting & recovery from close mowing. An ideal mix for quality cricket squares and tennis courts

Paddock Horse paddocks (14kg)

Wild flower Custom mixes for all applications

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