A loam with typical clay content above 30% giving a firm true pitch able to last at least four days at a County Cricket level or to give a better surface to a higher standard Club.
Boughton Loam pitches are renowned for being free draining which enables quick easy pitch preparation along with fast grass seed germination. For construction projects Boughton Loam can be screened at 10mm to facilitate being used as a base loam so reducing costs when the construction is greater than 75mm in depth.
To finish of your project or for the construction of pitches of less than 75mm in depth Boughton Loam can be screened at 3mm to give a smooth level finish
When dressing cricket pitches after play has ceased, Boughton loam produce various dressings to enable consistent compatibility with the original cricket loam used.
Boughton Loam dressings are guaranteed dry to enable easy spreading either by hand or through mechanical spreaders.
Boughton Loams are sterilised to stop the importation of weed seeds and soil-borne fungi which can develop into fairy rings.
Whether constructing or reconstructing a cricket square, Boughton Loam can be supplied loose in tipper lorries or bagged-in-bulk (builders) bags and delivered throughout the UK.
Get in touch to discuss any requirements